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Version 8 of Icon*
Ralph E. Griswold
TR 90-1c
January 1, 1990; last revised March 8, 1990
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
*This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant CCR-8713690.
Version 8 of Icon
The current version of Icon is Version 8. Version 8, which
replaces Version 7.5, contains a number of features not present
in earlier versions. The first edition of the Icon book [1]
describes Version 5. The second edition of this book, which is
in press, describes Version 8. This report serves as a temporary
supplement to the first edition until the second edition is pub-
lished. The descriptions here are brief and in some cases incom-
plete. Complete descriptions are contained in the second edition
of the book.
Most of the language extensions in Version 8 are upward-
compatible with previous versions of Icon and most programs writ-
ten for earlier versions work properly under Version 8. However,
some of the more implementation-dependent aspects described in
the Version 5 book are now obsolete.
The major differences between Versions 5 and 8 are listed
below. Features that are new since Version 7.5 are identified by
squares ([]):
A set data type.
[] Serial numbers for structures.
Functions for interfacing the operating system.
Functions for manipulating bits.
[] Functions for performing mathematical computations.
[] Keyboard functions.
[] Functions for getting variables from their names and vice
Additional keywords related to co-expressions, csets,
program location, storage management information, and
language features.
[] Support for arithmetic on integers of arbitrarily large
- 1 -
Declaration of procedures with a variable number of argu-
The invocation of functions, procedures, and operators by
their string names.
[] The invocation of functions and procedures with arguments
from a list.
Syntactic support for the use of co-expressions in
programmer-defined control operations.
Optional conversion of potential run-time errors to
expression failure.
Additional options for sorting tables.
Co-expression tracing.
[] Interfaces for calling C functions from Icon and calling
an Icon program from C.
Error trace back, which provides detailed information
about the source of run-time errors.
Correction of the handling of scanning environments.
Correction of the handling of co-expression return points
[] Instrumentation of storage management.
A declaration to allow the inclusion of separately
translated Icon programs.
Sets are unordered collections of values and have many of the
properties normally associated with sets in the mathematical
sense. The function
creates a set that contains the distinct elements of the list L.
For example,
creates a set with two members, "abc" and 3.
- 2 -
The default value for an omitted argument to set() is an empty
list. Consequently, set() creates an empty set.
Sets, like other data aggregates in Icon, need not be homo-
geneous - a set may contain members of different types. Sets can
be members of sets, as in:
S1 := set([1,2,3])
S2 := set([S1,[]])
in which S2 contains two members, one of which is a set of three
members and the other of which is an empty list.
Any specific value can occur only once in a set. For example,
creates a set with the three members 1, 2, and 3. Set membership
is determined the same way the equivalence of values is deter-
mined in the operation
x === y
For example,
creates a set that contains two distinct empty lists.
Several set operations are provided. The function member(S,x)
succeeds and produces the value of x if x is a member of S, but
fails otherwise. Note that
succeeds if x is a member of both S1 and S2.
The function insert(S,x) inserts x into the set S and produces
the value of S. Note that insert(S,x) is similar to put(L,x) in
form. A set may contain (a pointer to) itself: insert(S,S) adds
S as an member of itself. The function delete(S,x) deletes the
member x from the set S and produces S.
The functions insert(S,x) and delete(S,x) always succeed,
whether or not x is in S. This allows their use in loops in which
failure may occur for other reasons. For example,
S := set()
while insert(S,read())
builds a set that consists of the (distinct) lines from the stan-
dard input file.
The operations
- 3 -
S1 ++ S2
S1 ** S2
S1 -- S2
create the union, intersection, and difference of S1 and S2,
respectively. In each case, the result is a new set.
The use of these operations on csets is unchanged. There is no
automatic type conversion between csets and sets; the result of
the operation depends on the types of the arguments. For example,
'aeiou' ++ 'abcde'
produces the cset 'abcdeiou', while
set([1,2,3]) ++ set([2,3,4])
produces a set that contains 1, 2, 3, and 4. On the other hand,
set([1,2,3]) ++ 4
set(['a','b','c']) ++ 'd'
are erroneous.
The functions and operations of Icon that apply to other data
aggregates apply to sets as well. For example, if S is a set, *S
is the size of S (the number of members in it). Similarly,
type(S) produces the string set.
The operation !S generates the members of S, but in no
predictable order. Similarly, ?S produces a randomly selected
member of S. These operations produce values, not variables - it
is not possible to assign a value to !S or ?S.
The function copy(S) produces a new set, distinct from S, but
which contains the same members as S. The copy is made in the
same fashion as the copy of a list - the members themselves are
not copied. The function sort(S) produces a list containing the
members of S in sorted order. Sets occur after tables but before
records in sorting.
The functions member(), insert(), and delete() apply to tables
as well as sets.
The function member(T,x) succeeds if x is an entry value (key)
in the table T, but fails otherwise.
The function insert(T,x,y) inserts the entry value x into
table T with the assigned value y. If there already was an entry
- 4 -
value x in T, its assigned value is changed. Note that insert
has three arguments when used with tables, as compared to two
when used with sets. An omitted third argument defaults to the
null value.
The function delete(T,x) removes the entry value x and its
corresponding assigned value from T. If x is not an entry value
in T, no operation is performed; delete() succeeds in either
[] The function key(T) generates the keys in table T.
A complete ordering is now defined for structures (lists,
sets, tables, and records) and csets that appear in a larger
structure to be sorted. Different types are still kept separate,
but within each structure type, elements are now sorted chrono-
logically (in the order they were created). All of the different
record types are sorted together. Csets are sorted lexically, in
the same fashion as strings.
Two new options are available for sorting tables. These
options are specified by the values 3 and 4 as the second argu-
ment of sort(T,i). Both of these options produce a single list
in which the entry values and assigned values of table elements
alternate. A value of 3 for i produces a list in which the entry
values are in sorted order, and a value of 4 produces a list in
which the assigned values are in sorted order.
The main advantage of the new sorting options is that they
only produce a single list, rather than a list of lists as pro-
duced by the options 1 and 2. The amount of space needed for the
single list is proportionally much less than for the list of
[] Serialization_of_Structures
Structures are now serialized, starting at 1 with the first
structure of each type. Serial numbers are shown in the string
images of structures. For example, the value of image(set())
might be "set_5(0)".
Most of the new functions are described in this section. See
other sections for functions related to specific features. Note:
Some implementations have additional functions. These are
described in user manuals.
- 5 -
getenv(s) produces the value of the environment variable s. It
fails if the environment variable is not set. It also fails on
systems that do not support environment variables.
remove(s) removes the file named s. Subsequent attempts to
open the file fail, unless it is created anew. If the file is
open, the behavior of remove(s) is system dependent. remove(s)
fails if it is unsuccessful.
rename(s1,s2) causes the file named s1 to be henceforth known
by the name s2. The file named s1 is effectively removed. If a
file named s2 exists prior to the renaming, the behavior is sys-
tem dependent. rename(s1,s2) fails if unsuccessful, in which
case if the file existed previously it is still known by its ori-
ginal name. Among the other possible causes of failure would be a
file currently open, or a necessity to copy the file's contents
to rename it.
seek(f,i) seeks to position i in file f. As with other posi-
tions in Icon, a nonpositive value of i can be used to reference
a position relative to the end of f. i defaults to 1. seek(f,i)
produces f but fails if an error occurs.
where(f) produces the current byte position in the file f.
char(i) produces a string containing the character whose
internal representation, or ordinal, is the integer i. i must be
between 0 and 255 inclusive. If i is out of range, or not con-
vertible to integer, a run-time error occurs.
ord(s) produces an integer between 0 and 255 representing the
ordinal, or internal representation, of a character. If s is not
convertible to string, or if the string's length is not 1, a
run-time error occurs.
- 6 -
detab(s,i1,i2,...,in) replaces each tab character in s by one
or more space characters, using tab stops at i1,i2...,in, and
then additional tab stops created by repeating the last interval
as necessary. The default is detab(s,9).
Tab stops must be positive and strictly increasing. There is
an implicit tab stop at position 1 to establish the first inter-
val. Examples are:
detab(s) tab stops at 9, 17, 25, 33, ...
detab(s,5) tab stops at 5, 9, 13, 17, ...
detab(s,8,12) tab stops at 8, 12, 16, 20, ...
detab(s,11,18,30,36) tab stops at 11, 18, 30, 36, 42, 48, ...
For purposes of tab processing, "\b" has a width of -1, and "\r"
and "\n" restart the counting of positions. Other nonprinting
characters have zero width, and printing characters have a width
of 1.
entab(s,i1,i2,...,in) replaces runs of consecutive spaces with
tab characters. Tab stops are specified in the same manner as
for the detab function. Any existing tab characters in s are
preserved, and other nonprinting characters are treated identi-
cally with the detab function. The default is entab(s,9).
A lone space is never replaced by a tab character; however, a
tab character may replace a single space character that is part
of a longer run.
The following functions operate on the individual bits compos-
ing one or two integers. All produce an integer result.
iand(i,j) bit-wise and of i and j
ior(i,j) bit-wise inclusive or of i and j
ixor(i,j) bit-wise exclusive or of i and j
icom(i) bit-wise complement (one's complement) of i
ishift(i,j) If j is positive, i shifted left by j bit positions.
If j is negative, i shifted right by -j bit positions.
In all cases, vacated bit positions are filled with zeroes.
[] Math_Functions
The following functions are provided for performing mathemati-
cal computations:
- 7 -
sin(r) sine of r
cos(r) cosine of r
tan(r) tangent of r
asin(r) arc sine of r
acos(r) arc cosine of r
atan(r1,r2) arc tangent of r1 / r2
dtor(r) radian equivalent of r given in degrees
rtod(r) degree equivalent of r given in radians
sqrt(r) square root of r
exp(r) e raised to the power r
log(r1,r2) logarithm of r1 to the base r2
[] Keyboard_Functions
The following functions for keyboard input and output are
available on systems that support such capabilities:
getch() waits until a character has been entered from the key-
board and then produces the corresponding one-character string.
The character is not displayed.
getche() waits until a character has been entered from the
keyboard and then produces the corresponding one-character
string. The character is displayed.
kbhit() succeeds if a character is available for getch() or
getche() but fails otherwise.
[] Variables_and_Names
name(v) produces the string name of the variable v. The string
name of an identifier or keyword is just as it appears in the
program. The string name of a subscripted string-valued variable
consists of the variable and the subscript, as in "line[2+:3]".
The string name of a list or table reference consists of the data
type and the subscripting expression, as in "list[3]". The
string name of a record field reference consists of the record
type and field name with a separating period, as in "complex.r".
variable(s) produces the variable for the identifier or key-
word with the name s.
- 8 -
The function save(s) saves an executable image of an executing
Icon program in the file named s. This function presently is
implemented only on BSD UNIX systems. See Section 2.10 for a
method of determining if this feature is implemented.
save() can be called from any point in a program. It accepts a
single argument that names the file that is to receive the
resulting executable. The named file is created if it does not
exist. Any output problems on the file cause save() to fail. For
lack of anything better, save() produces the number of bytes in
the data region.
When the new executable is run, execution of the Icon program
begins in the main procedure. Global and static variables have
the value they had when save() was called, but all dynamic local
variables have the null value. Any initial clauses that have been
executed are not re-executed. As usual, arguments present on the
command line are passed to the main procedure as a list. Command
line input and output redirections are processed normally, but
any files that were open are no longer open and attempts to read
or write them will fail.
When the Icon interpreter starts up, it examines a number of
environment variables to determine various operational parame-
ters. When a saved executable starts up, the environment vari-
ables are not examined; the parameter values recorded in the exe-
cutable are used instead. Note that many of the parameter values
are dynamic and may have changed considerably from values sup-
plied initially.
Consider an example:
global hello
procedure main()
initial {
hello := "Hello World!"
save("hello") | stop("Error saving to 'hello'")
The global variable hello is assigned "Hello World!" and then
the interpreter is saved to the file hello. The program then
exits. When hello is run, main's initial clause is skipped since
it has already been executed. The variable hello has retained its
value and the call to write produces the expected greeting.
It is possible to call save() any number of times during the
- 9 -
course of execution. Saving to the same file each time is rather
uninteresting, but imagine a complex data structure that passes
through levels of refinement and then saving out a series of exe-
cutables that capture the state of the structure at given times.
Saved executables contain the entire data space present at the
time of the save and thus can be quite large. Saved executables
on a VAX are typically around 250k bytes.
[] Large_Integers
Integers now are not limited in magnitude by machine architec-
ture. This feature is not supported on all implementations of
Icon because it increases the size of the Icon system by a signi-
ficant amount. See Section 2.10 for a method of determining if
this feature is implemented.
Negative large integers become positive if shifted right by
The string image of a large integer whose decimal representa-
tion would have more than about 25 digits has the form
integer(~n), where n is the approximate number of decimal digits.
seq(i,j) generates an infinite sequence of integers starting
at i with increments of j. An omitted or null-valued argument
defaults to 1. For example, seq() generates 1, 2, 3, ... .
A procedure can be made to accept a variable number of argu-
ments by appending [] to the last (or only) parameter in the
parameter list. An example is:
procedure p(a,b,c[])
suspend a + b + !c
If called as p(1,2,3,4,5), the parameters have the following
a 1
b 2
c [3,4,5]
The last parameter always contains a list. This list consists
of the arguments not used by the previous parameters. If the pre-
vious parameters use up all the arguments, the list is empty. If
- 10 -
there are not enough arguments to satisfy the previous parame-
ters, the null value will be used for the remaining ones, but the
last parameter will still contain the empty list.
[] Invocation_with_a_List_of_Values
The operation p!L invokes p with the arguments in the list L.
For example,
is equivalent to
Note that this feature allows functions and procedures to be
invoked with a number of arguments that need not be known when
the program is written.
A string-valued expression that corresponds to the name of a
procedure or operation can be used in place of the procedure or
operation in an invocation expression. For example,
produces the same call as
is equivalent to
i - j
In the case of operator symbols with unary and binary forms,
the number of arguments determines the operation. Thus
is equivalent to
Since to-by is an operation, despite its reserved-word syntax, it
is included in this facility with the string name "..." . Thus
- 11 -
is equivalent to
1 to 10 by 2
[] Similarly, range specifications are represented by "[:]", so
is equivalent to
The subscripting operation is available with the string name
"[]". Thus
produces c.
Defaults are not provided for omitted or null-valued arguments
in this facility. Consequently,
results in a run-time error when it is evaluated.
Arguments to operators invoked by string names are derefer-
enced. Consequently, string invocation for assignment operations
is ineffective and results in error termination.
String names are available for the operations in Icon, but not
for control structures. Thus
is erroneous. Note that string scanning is a control structure.
Field references, of the form
expr . fieldname
are not operations in the ordinary sense and are not available
via string invocation. In addition, conjunction is not available
via string invocation, since no operation is actually performed.
String names for procedures are available through global iden-
tifiers. Note that the names of functions, such as image, are
global identifiers. Similarly, any procedure-valued global iden-
tifier may be used as the string name of a procedure. Thus, in
- 12 -
global q
procedure main()
q := p
procedure p(s)
the procedure p is invoked via the global identifier q.
The function proc(x,i) converts x to a procedure, if possible.
If x is procedure-valued, its value is returned unchanged. If the
value of x is a string that corresponds to the name of a pro-
cedure as described previously, the corresponding procedure value
is returned. The value of i is used to distinguish between unary
and binary operators. For example, proc("*",2) produces the mul-
tiplication operator, while proc("*",1) produces the size opera-
tor. The default value for i is 1. If x cannot be converted to
a procedure, proc(x,i) fails.
Scanning environments (&subject and &pos) are now maintained
correctly. In particular, they are are now restored when a scan-
ning expression is exited via break, next, return, fail, and
suspend. This really is a correction of a bug, although the
former handling of scanning environments is described as a
``feature'' in the first edition of the Icon book. Note also that
this change could affect the behavior of existing Icon programs.
Co-expression return points are now handled properly, so that
co-expressions can be used as coroutines.
The image of a co-expression now includes a serial number.
Numbers start with 1 for &main and increase as new co-expressions
are created.
Co-expression activation and return are now traced along with
procedure calls and returns if &trace is nonzero. Co-expression
tracing shows the identifying numbers.
The value of ¤t is the current co-expression.
The initial size of &main is now 1, instead of 0, to reflect
its activation to start program execution.
An attempt to refresh &main results in a run-time error.
(Formerly, it caused a memory violation.)
- 13 -
Co-expressions can be used to provide programmer-defined con-
trol operations. This facility uses an alternative syntax for
procedure invocation in which the arguments are passed in a list
of co-expressions. This syntax uses braces in place of
p{expr1, expr2, ..., exprn}
is equivalent to
p([create expr1, create expr2, ..., create exprn])
Note that
is equivalent to
There no longer are any length limitations on the string pro-
duced by read() or reads(), nor on the length of the argument to
system() or the first argument of open().
Formerly the value returned by write(x1,x2,...,xn) and
writes(x1,x2,...,xn) was the last written argument converted to a
string. The conversion is no longer performed. For example, the
value returned by write(1) is the integer 1.
Errors during writing (such as inadequate space on the output
device) now cause error termination.
The function read(f) reads the last line of the file f, even
if that line does not end with a newline (Version 5 discarded
such a line).
If the file f is open as a pipe, close(f) produces the system
code resulting from closing f instead of f.
Icon no longer performs its own I/O buffering; instead, this
function is left to the operating system on which Icon runs. The
environment variable NBUFS is no longer supported.
A run-time error now shows a trace back, giving the sequence
of procedure calls to the site of the error, followed by a
- 14 -
symbolic rendering of the offending expression. For example,
suppose the following program is contained in the file max.icn:
procedure main()
i := max("a",1)
procedure max(i,j)
if i > j then i else j
Its execution in Version 8 produces the following output:
Run-time error 102
File max.icn; Line 6
numeric expected
offending value: "a"
Trace back:
max("a",1) from line 2 in max.icn
{"a" > 1} from line 6 in max.icn
The keyword &error controls the conversion of potential run-
time errors into expression failure. It behaves like &trace: if
it is zero, the default value, errors are handled as usual. If it
is non-zero, errors are treated as failure and &error is decre-
There are a few errors that cannot be converted to failure:
arithmetic overflow and underflow, stack overflow, and errors
during program initialization.
When an error is converted to failure in this way, three key-
words are set:
&errornumber is the number of the error (e.g., 101).
Reference to &errornumber fails if there has not been an
&errortext is the error message (e.g., integer expected).
&errorvalue is the offending value. Reference to &error-
value fails if there is no specific offending value.
The function errorclear() removes the indication of the last
error. Subsequent references to &errornumber fail until another
error occurs.
The function runerr(i,x) causes program execution to terminate
with error number i as if a corresponding run-time error had
- 15 -
occurred. If i is the number of a standard run-time error, the
corresponding error text is printed; otherwise no error text is
printed. The value of x is given as the offending value. If x is
omitted, no offending value is printed.
This function is provided so that library procedures can be
written to terminate in the same fashion as built-in operations.
It is advisable to use error numbers for programmer-defined
errors that are well outside the range of numbers used by Icon
itself. See Appendix B. Error number 500 has the predefined text
"program malfunction" for use with runerr(). This number is not
used by Icon itself.
A call of runerr() is subject to conversion to failure like
any other run-time error.
2.9__[] Icon-C_Interfaces
C functions now can be called from Icon programs [2]. The
function callout(x,x1,x2,...,xn) calls the C function designated
by x and passes it the arguments x1, x2, ..., xn. The method of
designating C functions and passing arguments is system-
An Icon program also can be called from C. The method of doing
this is described in [2].
The &features generates the features of the implementation on
which the current program is running. For example, on a BSD UNIX
every write(&features)
calling to Icon
direct execution
environment variables
error trace back
executable images
expandable regions
external functions
large integers
math functions
memory monitoring
string invocation
system function
- 16 -
Similarly, a program that uses co-expressions can check for
the presence of this feature:
if not(&features == "co-expressions") then runerr(401)
Storage is allocated automatically during the execution of an
Icon program, and garbage collections are performed automatically
to reclaim storage for subsequent reallocation. There are three
storage regions: static, string, and block. Only implementations
in which regions can be expanded support a static region. See
[3] for more information.
An Icon programmer normally need not worry about storage
management. However, in applications that require a large amount
of storage or that must operate in a limited amount of memory,
some knowledge of the storage management process may be useful.
The keyword &collections generates four values associated with
garbage collection: the total number since program initiation,
the number triggered by static allocation, the number triggered
by string allocation, and the number triggered by block alloca-
tion. The keyword ®ions generates the current sizes of the
static, string, and block regions. The keyword &storage gen-
erates the current amount of space used in the static, string,
and block regions. The value given for the static region
presently is not meaningful.
Garbage collection is forced by the function collect(i,j).
The value of i specifies the region and the value of j specifies
the amount of space that must be free following the collection.
The regions are designated as follows:
i region
1 static
2 string
3 block
The region specified is reflected in the values generated by
&collections. A value of 0 for i causes a garbage collection
without a specific region. In this case, the value of j is
irrelevant. The default values for i and j are 0.
2.12__[] Memory_Monitoring
Storage allocation and garbage collection now are instrumented
[4]. Normally, this instrumentation is disabled. It is enabled
by setting the environment variable MEMMON to the name of an
allocation history file to receive memory-monitoring data.
There are several tools for processing memory-monitoring data,
including ones for producing interactive visualizations of
- 17 -
storage management. See [4] for more information.
The function mmpause(s) causes a pause in interactive visuali-
zations, displaying the identification s. The default for s is
"programmed pause".
The function mmshow(x,s) redraws the object x in a color
specified by s. The color specifications are:
"b" black
"g" gray
"w" white
"h" highlight: blinking black and white
"r" redraw in normal color
The default is "r".
The function mmout(s) writes s (without interpretation) as a
separate line to the allocation history file.
In addition to the new keywords mentioned above, there are
four others:
&digits, whose value is '0123456789'.
[] &letters, whose value is a cset containing the 52 upper-
and lowercase letters.
&line, the current source-code line number.
&file, the current source-code file name.
The suspend control structure now has an optional do clause,
analogous to every-do. If a do clause is present in a suspend
control structure, its argument is evaluated after the suspend is
resumed and before possible suspension with another result.
For example, the following expression might be used to count
the number of suspensions:
suspend expr do count +:= 1
``Unprintable'' characters in strings and csets now are imaged
with hexadecimal escape sequences rather than with octal ones.
- 18 -
The function display(f,i) now prints the image of the current
co-expression before listing the values of variables.
If the value of &trace is negative, it is decremented every
time a trace message is written. Previously it was left
unchanged. This change does not affect tracing itself, but it
does allow the number of trace messages that have been written to
be determined by a running program.
[] Reserved_Words
The reserve word dynamic has been deleted.
[] Character_Equivalents
The character pairs $(, $), $<, and $> are equivalent to [, ],
{, and }, respectively. These equivalents are provided for use
on EBCDIC systems that cannot input and output braces and brack-
ets, but the equivalents also can be used on ASCII systems.
[] Numeric_Conversion
If large integers are not supported, an attempt to convert a
string of digits whose numeric value would be too large for an
Icon integer now fails instead of producing a real number.
Options to icont must precede file names on the command line.
For example,
icont -o manager proto.icn
icont proto.icn -o manager
The position of options has always been documented this way, but
it was not enforced previously. Consequently, options in the
incorrect position that worked before will not work now. This
problem is most likely to occur in scripts that were composed
under earlier versions of Icon.
Note that the -x option is an exception; it must occur after
all file names for icont, since any command-line arguments after
-x apply to execution (iconx).
- 19 -
The link declaration simplifies the inclusion of separately
translated libraries of Icon procedures. If icont [5] is run with
the -c option, source files are translated into intermediate
ucode files (with names ending in .u1 and .u2). For example,
icont -c libe.icn
produces the ucode files libe.u1 and libe.u2. The ucode files can
be incorporated in another program with the new link declaration,
which has the form
link libe
The argument of link is, in general, a list of identifiers or
string literals that specify the names of files to be linked
(without the .u1 or .u2). Thus, when running under UNIX,
link libe, "/usr/icon/ilib/collate"
specifies the linking of libe in the current directory and col-
late in /usr/icon/ilib. The syntax for paths may be different
for other operating systems.
The environment variable IPATH controls the location of files
specified in link declarations. The value of IPATH should be a
blank-separated string of the form p1 p2 ... pn where each pi
names a directory. Each directory is searched in turn to locate
files named in link declarations. The default value of IPATH is
the current directory. The current directory is always searched
first, regardless of the value of IPATH.
The option to generate diagnostic (.ux) files during linking
has been changed from -D to -L.
The amount of space needed to associate source-program line
numbers with executable code can be set by -Snn. The default
value of n is 1000. Similarly, the amount of space needed to
associate file names with executable code can be set by -SFn. The
default is 10.
[] Path_to_iconx
For implementations that support direct execution of icode
files, the hardwired path to iconx is overridden by the value of
the environment variable ICONX, if it is set. If ICONX is not
set and iconx is not found on the hardwired path, PATH is
searched for it.
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The environment variables BLOCKSIZE and BLKSIZE now are
synonyms for HEAPSIZE.
During translation and linking, the suffix .u is interpreted
as .u1, and no suffix is interpreted as .icn.
On some systems, the icode file produced by the linker has the
extension icx. For example, on MS-DOS,
icont prog.icn
produces an icode file named prog.icx. The extension need not be
given when using iconx, as in:
iconx prog
The option -e now allows standard error output to be
redirected to a file. For example,
iconx -e prog.err prog
executes prog and sends any error output to the file prog.err.
If - is given in place of a file name, error output is redirected
to standard output. On systems on which standard output can be
redirected to a file, -e - causes both error output and standard
output go to that file. For example,
iconx -e - prog >prog.out
redirects both error output and standard output to prog.out.
The Icon translator converts a source-language program to an
intermediate form, called ucode. The Icon linker converts one or
more ucode files to a binary form called icode. The format of
Version 8 ucode and icode files is different from that of earlier
versions. To avoid the possibility of malfunction due to incom-
patible ucode and icode formats, Version 8 checks both ucode and
icode files and terminates processing with an error message if
the versions are not correct.
[] Program_Location_Information
A comment that begins at the beginning of a line and has the
- 21 -
#line n "f"
changes the current source-program line number and file name used
by the Icon translator to n and f, respectively.
[] Warning_Messages
The Icon translator now issues a warning message if the dere-
ferencing operator is applied to a numeric literal, as in .25.
Some run-time environment variables have changed; see Appendix
A. Several error messages have been changed. Appendix B con-
tains a list of run-time error messages for Version 8.
There are many differences between the implementation of Ver-
sion 8 of Icon and earlier versions. Most of these changes only
affect performance and are otherwise invisible to users.
Changes in the techniques used for hashing, however, change
the order in which elements are generated from sets and tables
and the random selection of elements of sets and tables.
In addition, the order of generation and random selection from
sets and tables may vary between implementations.
The original implementation of Version 5 supported both a com-
piler (iconc) and an interpreter (icont). Version 8 supports
only an interpreter. It is not possible to load C functions with
the interpreter as it was with the compiler. A system for per-
sonalized interpreters [6] is included with Version 8 for UNIX
systems to make it comparatively easy to add new functions and
otherwise modify the Icon run-time system.
The reserved word dynamic is no longer available; local is
+ Line numbers sometimes are wrong in diagnostic messages
related to lines with continued quoted literals.
+ Large-integer arithmetic is not supported in i to j and
seq(). Large integers cannot be assigned to keywords.
- 22 -
+ Large-integer literals are constructed at run-time. Con-
sequently, they should not be used in loops where they
would be constructed repeatedly.
+ Conversion of a large integer to a string is quadratic
in the length of the integer. Conversion of very a large
integer to a string may take a very long time and give
the appearance of an endless loop.
+ Integer overflow on exponentiation may not be detected
during execution. Such overflow may occur during type
+ In some cases, trace messages may show the return of
subscripted values, such as &null[2], that would be
erroneous if they were dereferenced.
+ If a long file name for an Icon source-language program
is truncated by the operating system, mysterious diag-
nostic messages may occur during linking.
+ Stack overflow is checked using a heuristic that may not
always be effective.
+ If an expression such as
x := create expr
is used in a loop, and x is not a global variable,
unreferenceable co-expressions are generated by each
successive create operation. These co-expressions are
not garbage collected. This problem can be circumvented
by making x a global variable or by assigning a value to
x before the create operation, as in
x := &null
x := create expr
+ Stack overflow in a co-expression may not be detected
and may cause mysterious program malfunction.
A few aspects of the implementation of Version 8 are specific
to different computer architectures and operating systems. Co-
expressions require a context switch that is implemented in
assembly language. If this context switch is not implemented, an
attempt to activate a co-expression results in error termination.
Some features of Icon, such as opening a pipe for I/O and the
system() function, are not supported on all operating systems.
See specific user manuals for details.
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Mark Emmer, Clint Jeffery, Sandra Miller, Chris Smith, Gregg
Townsend, and Ken Walker contributed to Version 8 of Icon.
1. R. E. Griswold and M. T. Griswold, The Icon Programming
Language, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983.
2. R. E. Griswold, Icon-C Calling Interfaces, The Univ. of
Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-8, 1990.
3. R. E. Griswold and M. T. Griswold, The Implementation of the
Icon Programming Language, Princeton University Press, 1986.
4. G. M. Townsend, The Icon Memory Monitoring System, The Univ.
of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD113, 1990.
5. R. E. Griswold, ICONT(1), manual page for UNIX Programmer's
Manual, The Univ. of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD109,
6. R. E. Griswold, Personalized Interpreters for Version 8 of
Icon, The Univ. of Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-3, 1990.
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Appendix A - Environment Variables
There are a number of environment variables that can be set to
override the default values for sizes of Icon's storage regions
and other run-time parameters. Except for ICONX, NOERRBUF, and
ICONCORE, the values assigned to these environment variables must
be numbers. Default values for regions vary from system to
system and are given in user manuals. Some implementations also
have other environment variables.
The environment variables are:
ICONX If set, this environment variable specifies the
location of iconx used to execute an icode file.
TRACE Specifies the initial value of &trace. The default
value is zero.
NOERRBUF If set, standard error output is not buffered.
ICONCORE If set, a core dump is produced in the case of
error termination.
MSTKSIZE Specifies the size in words of the main
interpreter stack.
STRSIZE Specifies the initial size in bytes of the
allocated string region.
BLOCKSIZE Specifies the initial size in bytes of the
allocated block region. HEAPSIZE and BLKSIZE are
synonyms for BLOCKSIZE.
STATSIZE Specifies the initial size in bytes of the static
region in which co-expressions are allocated.
STATINCR Specifies the increment for expanding the static
region. The default increment is one-fourth the
initial size of the static region.
COEXPSIZE Specifies the size in words of co-expression
QLSIZE Specifies the amount of space used for pointers to
strings during garbage collection. Used only on
implementations with fixed memory regions.
MEMMON Name of the file for memory-monitoring data.
An inappropriate setting of an environment variable prevents
the program from running.
- 25 -
Appendix B - Run-Time Error Messages
A list of run-time error numbers and corresponding messages
follows. Some implementations have additional run-time errors.
101 integer expected
102 numeric expected
103 string expected
104 cset expected
105 file expected
106 procedure or integer expected
107 record expected
108 list expected
109 string or file expected
110 string or list expected
111 variable expected
112 invalid type to size operation
113 invalid type to random operation
114 invalid type to subscript operation
115 list, set, or table expected
116 invalid type to element generator
117 missing main procedure
118 co-expression expected
119 set expected
120 cset or set expected
121 function not supported
122 set or table expected
123 invalid type
124 table expected
201 division by zero
202 remaindering by zero
203 integer overflow
204 real overflow, underflow, or division by zero
205 value out of range
206 negative first operand to real exponentiation
207 invalid field name
208 second and third arguments to map of unequal length
209 invalid second argument to open
210 non-ascending arguments to detab/entab
211 by value equal to zero
212 attempt to read file not open for reading
213 attempt to write file not open for writing
214 input/output error
215 attempt to refresh &main
216 external function not found
- 26 -
301 evaluation stack overflow
302 system stack overflow
303 inadequate space for evaluation stack
304 inadequate space in qualifier list
305 inadequate space for static allocation
306 inadequate space in string region
307 inadequate space in block region
308 system stack overflow in co-expression
401 co-expressions not implemented
500 program malfunction
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